Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Is CCSP - Guaranteed Return Policy?
  • What Is Participating Whole Life Insurance?
  • Is GRP An Resp?
  • How Much Do I Need To Contribute To A GRP?
  • How Long Is The Contribution Period?
  • Which Is The Best Way To Fund This Plan?
  • Who Can Open A GRP Plan For A Child?
  • What Are The Tax Implications Of A GRP Plan?
  • How Safe Is The Plan?
  • Will I Know How Much The GRP Will Grow During My Child’s Life?
  • What Is A Free Personalized Planning Tool?
  • How Does One Access The Money In The Plan?
  • How Can I Open A GRP Plan?

A Guaranteed Return Policy (GRP) is a specifically designed Participating Whole Life Insurance Policy. The plan provides 3 major benefits: -

  1. Guaranteed Cash Values,
  2. Tax-Free annual dividends and
  3. Permanent Whole Life Insurance.

This unique combination guarantees that the family will have a fund that keeps growing tax-free. The money can be used at any time, for any reason at all;
The child will be insured for their entire life;
In addition to all of this, they will ALWAYS still leave a substantial amount of money for their beneficiaries. (creating Generational Wealth).

Participating whole life insurance allows the policy owner to “participate” in the insurance company's profits. They provide guaranteed cash values and annual tax-free dividends. This is typically used by corporations and more affluent families.

No. It is not. An RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan) is a government program whereby the government, through the CESG (Canada Education Savings Grant), will match 20% of any RESP contributions, to a maximum of $500 per child each year.

The maximum lifetime CESG grant amount for each child (including additional grants) is $7,200.
While an RESP provides a government grant, is does have certain restrictions on the use of funds since it is only for education.

A GRP is your private plan which is designed to last for the rest of the child’s life, and on to the next generation. It can provide for education anywhere in the world, or fund any need the parent or child may have.

There are no hard and fast minimums or maximums. The ideal amount will depend solely on your family budget. While the average family contributes about $200. Per month per child, there are those who see it fit to contribute $500. Per month or more.

Your GRP Plan will be completely paid up for life, after 20 years of contribution.

Each parent or guardian receives the Canada Child Benefit (from the government) from birth to age 18 for each child. This amount has increased substantially in the past 4 years. (Currently the average family, with a combined income of $80,000. receives $336. /month /child). We encourage parents to use some of the Canada Child Benefit to partially fund the Guaranteed Return Policy, which is designed to be totally funded in 20 years.

Calculate your Canada Child Benefit qualification amount-

A GRP can be opened by a parent, grand parent, aunt, uncle or legal guardian of the child.

All dividends paid into the plan are tax-free.

All values accumulate in the plan tax-free.

On the death of the insured child, the Life Insurance Value is paid out to the chosen beneficiary/beneficiaries, tax-free.

The plan can be collapsed at any time and the cash value withdrawn. In this case the withdrawn amount will be subject to taxes at the marginal tax rate of the plan owner.

The core of the plan is a Life Insurance policy which is backed by one of Canada’s Largest Insurance companies. The plan is extremely safe because Insurance companies are all regulated by the government and are totally regulated. Life Insurance companies provide Guarantees n=because they are not allowed to leverage their assets.

Yes. You may request a Free Personalized Planning Tool which will give you a complete breakdown of the growth of the plan over the years. This tool will be specific to your child’s age, and the amount of your contribution.

This is a personalized analysis designed specifically to your child’s age, gender and your chosen contribution amount. It will detail the growth of the cash values dividends and the Tax -Free Life insurance pay out to your child’s beneficiary.

You can request a Free Planning Tool by clicking here.

All cash values in the plan can be accessed by either termination the plan, or by taking what is called a policy loan for up to 90% of the cash value in the plan at any time. Policy loans are not taxable. The loans may be paid back into the plan at any time. If not repaid, the insurance company will deduct the loan principal plus accrued interest, from the death benefit, at the time of the death of the insured child.

You can easily get started by requesting a Free Personalized Planning Tool. We will connect you with one of our trained advisors. Call or email our office for personalized information.
